Friday, 17 July 2009


Cee Arr Em. A word used extensively in aviation, it stands for Cockpit/Crew Resource Management and we spent the lsat 2 days digging deep into it's meaning and application. Googling the term will tell you that "CRM is concerned not so much with the technical knowledge and skills required to fly and operate an aircraft but rather with the cognitive and interpersonal skills needed to manage the flight within an organised aviation system." That sounds very nice, but it doesn't really mean anything.

At my company it goes even further and we call it Company Resource Management. We looked into the interaction between the flight deck and the cabin, air traffic, ground handling and even general cultural factors affecting human interaction - a good thing as the airline employs people from all over the place and, operating in Asia, has to deal with some fairly strong local traditions which aren't compatible with aviation safety. The course was as much for first officers, to learn about CRM, as it was for captains, to remind them about CRM. Much too long to go into details about, but the single most important word is safety.

Next week RVSM and an air law exam, then (probably) more office hopping to get forms stamped and cards issued.


  1. Will it improve my flight though?

  2. Well the chances of your surviving it improve significantly.
