Thursday 26 November 2009

A good day

Sometimes, very rarely, the stars will align in such a way that a day goes very very well despite the evil forces' best efforts at ruining it. Today was one of those days.

I got to fly our newest A320, delivered only last week, on a pleasant 2 sector - 5 hour day. The weather was more than magnificent and ATC's best attempts at ruining our already dodgy on-time performance record failed. Singapore even went out of it's way to get us the level we wanted and save us a few kilos of fuel.

I think a picture is the best way to describe the feeling...

What other office has a view as good as this one?



  1. Anonymous4/12/09 16:57

    really enjoying your blogging! It's quite refreshing to get a glimpse into a flying job outside of the US/Europe. Keep up the good work and keep the posts coming

    -Jason, Long Beach California.

  2. Anonymous8/12/09 18:14

    Wow! Great picture!

  3. Anonymous9/12/09 22:04

    This is why I would love to be a commercial airline pilot. I think for now - I'll stick to my PPL! :D

    James Kealey
    [IVAO: 314371]
